Card Night

Yesterday, I headed over to Laura’s place to join her and Caroline for a game or two of ‘hand and foot canasta’, a weekly event.

I asked Caroline if the unpleasant man had come to talk to her about my lot. Yes. He was very rude to her and couldn’t conceive that he had essentially been taken by the guy he bought the house from. That will teach him to buy a lot without checking the survey map.

There is NO doubt of my lot’s boundaries and that it was the RM’s to sell to Caroline and Charles to sell to me. I am not in a land/property line dispute, and I doubt I’ll hear anything more about this.

Canasta was heaps of fun and even though the rules were overwhelming, I picked it up fairly quickly. I whooped my friends’ butts on the first round and then Caroline cleaned up on the second. Caroline left around 11:00 and then Laura and I chatted for a good while longer. The saying is true, “there are no strangers, just friends you haven’t met yet.”

I’ve got tons of work to do again this weekend, but I still want to get my yard cleaned up a little of all the leaves. I’ll head over to Laura’s in a little bit to borrow a lawn rake. Scratch that, Charles just brought me one. Ooh, and I’m invited to dinner tomorrow!

Here’s what I’ve come up with as to the eventual layout of my property:

rv pad

It is drawn to scale. The driveway area is 40’x20′. The RV pad area is 12’x80′. I’ve realised now that that’s too narrow as I have the plan drawn right to the property, so it’ll likely become 20’x80′ and everything else will shift over 8′. I then have a strip of grass and a 4′-wide path running down the property (I’m thinking of pavers to connect the strip to the RV pad area).

The brown square is a 10’x10′ structure, the biggest I can have without increasing my property taxes.

This sketch really helps me see the proportions and potential of this narrow strip of land. Miranda would be backed up into the corner and then another RV could back in ahead of her. There would be plenty of driveway to make it easy to come into the entrance and swing into the RV pad strip.

I have trees encroaching on the green lawned area, so leaving it as would be the least amount of work. This sketch also shows that I have more than enough space for a larger structure should I ever decide to add one.

I found a gravel calculator that puts my gravel costs at about $350, which seems very low to me, so I need to double check the math. I want to put down 6″ of material over about 2,500 square feet, and gravel is currently $7/yard. If that’s accurate, then that’s awesome! Of course, I’d also have to hire someone with a tractor to move the stuff around and pack it down to make a level surface.

The RM got back to me about my questions and the gist of it was, “You’re on your own. Ask around for someone who knows where to tap into the water lines and don’t bother asking for permits.”

I am looking at $116.25 to get water and garbage collection for three months, which is about how long I’ll be here when I get back in July. So that’s less than $250 for a whole summer.

Tomorrow, I’ll ask Caroline and Charles the name of the local handy guy who knows where all the water lines are so I can call and get an idea of how much it would cost to get a tap here. This is such a small lot that it doesn’t matter where the tap ends up at this point as I have more than enough hose to get from Miranda to any point. My thinking is to have the tap put on right at the property line so I have to run less pipe and spend less money.

Miranda being parked in the corner is not negotiable for a number of reasons. First of all, I only care about the view out of my passenger side, so it makes sense to park with the driver’s side against the treeline so I can look out over the property. I also get more of a rear view from that corner than from any other spot on the lot. Finally, the power pole is right there so I could get a metre and outlets installed right there.

This plan is going to be done in stages as money frees up. I think the order of stages will be water, shed, gravel, power.

*glances at the clock* Eep, 11:00 a.m. and I haven’t done any work today! Time to get cracking!

4 thoughts on “Card Night

  1. I don’t see sewer listed. Is that included in the $116? If not, could you have a rock pit or drain field for your grey water?

    Plus, if your shed is “movable” (dragable) you could probably get away with having it closer to the property line.

    • I talked about sewer in an early post. It’s just for grey water and people have holding tanks for black. I’ll haul out my own black and then just water the lawn with my grey. I don’t have enough of it for that to be an issue.

  2. Looks like a good plan to me. Now that you’ve made the RV pads 20 feet wide, that is. 🙂

  3. I have no idea how wide to make them! Most RVs are about 8′ wide, so I thought that 2′ of clearance on each side would be sufficient. I think that 20′ wide is way too much, though… It’s one of those things where I will have to get out a tape measure to really see what I’m doing.

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