Do You Need To Replace It?

Since I want to continue downsizing my life, I think about whether or not I need to replace something when the original breaks or stops functioning. I thought of replacing the dishes that were broken in the accident, but decided to first live without them for a while. Guess what? I don’t miss them.

While doing the lunch dishes today, I somehow collided my Las Vegas and Halifax mugs. The Vegas mug won.



The Vegas mug that I won at Circus, Circus wouldn’t have been much of a loss. I have a couple other mugs the same size and that format is ubiquitous anyway.

But the Halifax mug is a real loss. 🙁 It’s an unusual size, holding about one and a half times the fluid of a standard coffee mug. When I bought it, I had been searching for some time for a mug that held that much and which was nice and thick. I’m sure I could find another one eventually, but this mug took a lot of shopping to find. It’s my slow morning mug. I usually limit myself to one cup of coffee a day, but on the slow morning, I get a little extra to savour. Slow mornings used to be Sunday but are now most often Monday.

I’m not going to rush out to replace my Halifax mug, but I am going to keep my eye out for a replacement. I know I am going to really miss it just because of how devastated I was when I noticed the giant chip and crack going all the way down it. Usually, breaking something in the kitchen is no big deal, but this really bummed me out. Monday mornings just won’t be the same without it! 🙂