Garage Saleing

I went over to Laura’s at about 9:00 this morning and we headed out to Willow Bunch to check out the garage sales. There were several and there was a map available so you could cross out the ones you’d been to.

I didn’t bring any Canadian cash with me, but left $7 in US bills and change in the wallet for an emergency situation. ‘Emergency’ was clearly defined here: if I found something that I absolutely need and was planning to spend full price on when I got to a town with real stores.

First garage sale had some goodies, but I was happy to window shop. Second garage sale threw my whole ‘just going to look’ plan out the window. Sometimes, you find something you REALLY need and you just have to pull out the wallet:


Jody and Gary have one of these port-potties and I knew that getting one of those would buy me a lot of time before getting the black tank replaced. They are perfectly sanitary and work just like an RV toilet, except the holding tank is smaller and you can take the whole thing to the dump.


It’s scratched and dusty but otherwise impeccable. I imagine the seals will need a little lubrication.


The toilet flushes with the handle. You can attach a standard RV hose to the unit, upright it, and then dump it.


You put water into this part and then pull up the knob to pump the water into the bowl.

The RV toilet is so low that I’m hoping I can just set the porta-potty over it and use it that way.

When the unit is full, I’ll dump it into a five-gallon bucket, and when the bucket’s full, it’ll get dumped at the lagoon.

The porta-potty was marked $10. I said to the lady, “I have a 5USD bill on me. Would you take that for the toilet?” She thought about it for a bit and said, “Oh, sure.”

I was going to pick up one of these toilets at Canadian Tire next month. They are about $100. I can be forgiven for breaking the ‘just looking today’ rule, right?

The wallet being out once, the promise was broken, and then I shopped up a storm! Cooking yesterday (parsnip fries), I once again got frustrated that I don’t have a slotted serving spoon or a grease splatter guard for my pans. I found those items at two separate sales, for 10 cents each. I am such a big spender!

By the end of the tour, I was feeling rather parched, so I spent a whole 50 cents on a cold glass of lemonade being sold by an entrepreneurial little boy. Got to encourage those kids!

We finished our morning at the thrift shop where I picked out a bunch of clothes and then put them back. I did grab two magazines for a total of 50 cents.

Grand total spent this morning: $6.20. Grand total saved, at least $100. I guess some promises are just meant to be broken.

8 thoughts on “Garage Saleing

  1. I said to my husband after I read your post that you were just looking….”Ya Right!” Great buy for the toilet.

  2. Hey, you would have broken out your wallet too in such a circumstance! 🙂

    The toilet was moulded in November of ’77 and put together in March of ’78. It’s older than me!!!

    The only ‘problem’ with it is that the seal on the water reservoir is gone, so the water just drains into the tank. Not a big deal since you can barely put any water in that reservoir anyway. I put some veggie oil on the rubber to lube it up, so maybe it’ll work once the oil has soaked into the rubber. But it’s not a big deal if it doesn’t. I’ll just keep a gallon of water in the toilet room for flushing. The important reservoir does not leak!

  3. I’ve been lurking around here for a long time. Glad to hear that your venture into land ownership is working out so well. And finding a porta-potti for $5 is a great deal for you. You might even be able to find new seals for the darn thing. Good luck!

  4. Thanks, Don. The only seal that isn’t working is the one that I don’t really need. I left liquid in the bowl for a half hour and it didn’t go into the tank. So that means that nothing in the tank will come back up into the bowl. I am pleased!

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