A very grey sky and the threat of a storm has kept my batteries unacceptably low all day. I am so annoyed with the weather this summer. Anyway, I ran the genny for a few hours this morning and conceded that I needed to do so again this evening.
Since a generator should operate with a load on it, I actually microwaved my lunch. This evening, I decided to do a small load of laundry that I could hang in the shower and pulled out my spin dryer, which makes my favourite chore even better. I can’t imagine what the neighours who don’t talk to me must think about my laundry station. Wait till I build a serious one with a retractable roof on it. Bwa ha ha.
I am really loving the generator as it is making it possible to remain off the grid and still have all the power I need. I am however cognizant of just how dependent I am on propane and gasoline. Another solar panel is going to be in order for next summer as my single panel just isn’t enough here (which SUCKS).
I have another electrical upgrade in the works. I have a package en route to a nearby Montana border town, so I will be pulling out my passport Monday or Tuesday to go fetch it. And then the fun will begin. But I have to say the instructions seem a heck less intimidating than did the battery monitor ones, so either projects are getting easier or I’m getting savvier about all this electrical stuff.