February 6, 2015


Email is the best way to reach me: rae@raecrothers.ca

I check my email regularly during the day and evening Tuesday through Sunday from 9AM to 7PM CST. My response time is usually no more than 30 minutes. At other times, my response delay depends on the subject of the email.

If you would like to talk about your project and do not have a long distance plan that includes Mexico, please email me your telephone number and a good time to call you on your cell phone or land line. It is absolutely not a problem for me to call back since standard phone plans in Mexico includes unlimited calls to the U.S. and Canada. We can also use Skype, but I find that the connection is not always as good as using a phone.

You can also contact me through Facebook and through the contact form at the bottom of the home page of this site.

If you are interested in a quote and turnaround time for a transcription project, please include the following information:

-length of the audio recording;
-when the recordings will be provided;
-when the transcript is needed (ie. turnaround time);
-whether you want a verbatim and non-verbatim transcript.

For a transcript proofreading or scoping project, please send the number of pages and required turnaround time.